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Fast Relief From Pain Caused By Sports Injuries in NJ

Fast Relief From Pain Caused By Sports Injuries in NJ Barefoot Rehabilitation Clinic
running injury

We Are Northern New Jersey’s Premier Sports Injury Pain Clinic


Sports injuries can really derail your life. We know.  Dr. Curtis was a skateboarder and those falls didn’t feel good.  Dr. Chris played football and rugby and quite literally took a beating.


The good news is that sports injuries can be treated to get you back on the court or field faster than ever before!  You can return to your former form after treatment is complete.


We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of your sports injuries. Our primary goal is to get you out of pain fast and permanently where possible. We want you back on the course, the court or on the road just as much as you want to be there.


Just like the care of professional athletes, we use Active Release Technique to remove adhesion, the most common cause of pain in the musculoskeletal system. The treatment solves the actual problem that is causing your pain and that’s why it works.


If you are experiencing pain from a sports injury and have a trusted therapist or doctor who is taking care of you, we’re so happy for you.  You’re lucky to have found someone who you respect and speaks the truth.


If not, the doctors at Barefoot Rehab would love to chat on the phone and connect to see if your condition is a fit for our philosophy. Click the button below or call us today at 862-205-4847 to make an appointment for a FREE consultation.

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