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Treating Tim Carroll – Owner of CrossFit 908 – Berkeley Heights, NJ

Treating Tim Carroll – Owner of CrossFit 908 – Berkeley Heights, NJ Barefoot Rehabilitation Clinic

I am Tim Carroll, the owner of CrossFit 908 in Berkeley Heights in New Jersey.   I am a Coach as well as a competitor in the CrossFit world.


You think of a chiro as someone who is just going to adjust you. Chris does something different.  He treats specific injuries.  He treats your scar tissue.  He helps you regain full range of motion in joints and muscles that over time, you start losing that because you’re training so hard.  I saw Chris as a way for me to continue to compete and better myself as an athlete because I was previously limited by certain injuries.

I’ve noticed that my left shoulder feels weaker and feels pain a lot.  Chris is able to get in there, work on the nerves and muscles that I’m having instability with.  And show me rehabilitative movement so I can put heavier weights over my head and I’m not limited by an old injury.


Just through his ART, he is able to help me relieve all of that pinching in the front of my leg.  For me, that’s a confidence boost.


If you are experiencing pain from a CrossFit injury and have a trusted therapist or doctor who is taking care of you, we’re so happy for you.  You’re lucky to have found someone who you respect and speaks the truth.


If not, the doctors at Barefoot Rehab would love to chat on the phone and connect to see if your condition is a fit for our philosophy. Click the button below or call us today at 862-205-4847 to make an appointment for a 15-minute FREE consultation.