Author: Dr. Chris

Dr. Chris Stepien, DC, Full-Body ID Certified, ART Certified, CSCS, and CrossFit Level 1 Certified, fixes your annoying and frustrating pains, even when it's been over 6 months and you've seen 3-5 other doctors or therapists without lasting relief Barefoot Rehab in Denville, NJ. And when you're sad, depressed, or not enjoying life, Dr. Chris wants to hug you. He invites you to reach out, no matter what your concern is. Barefoot Rehab is here to serve you.
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18 Jul How to Fix Upper Back Pain

When upper back pain stops responding to chiropractic adjustments, the foam roller, the lacrosse ball or gemini, it's time to pause. After all, Albert Einstein would not approve of the same behavior. It's insanity. Fixing your upper back pain requires that you put on your Albert Einstein...

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18 Apr Why Won’t My Wrist Pain Go Away?

You're frustrated and annoyed that your wrist pain hasn't gone away yet. I know. I work with people like you every, single day. At Barefoot Rehab, we specialize in fixing people's pains that have been present for more than 2 months, even when they've seen 3-5 other doctors. When...

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